Windows 10 Battery Warning
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Hi, today we are going to talk about how to change low battery warning settings in Windows 10 laptops. First, we’ll tell you, what is the low battery level, critical battery level, its notifications & actions. And after that we’ll give you the on how to change low battery notification option and its related settings. If your laptop won’t alert you for the low battery then you can follow the following steps fix this issue. What is low battery warning in laptopsIn laptops, you can set two battery levels for notification & action.Low battery level means, when your laptop battery drained to a particular percentage (for an example 30%) then it will show you the low battery level notification to alert you to plug your laptop for charging.
Alert: “Your battery is running low. You might want to plug in your PC”You have option to change this low battery level percentage. Along with the low battery warning, one of the following action may apply:. Do Nothing. Sleep. Hibernate. ShutdownMost of the users set it to “Do nothing.” this is the default setting.
You may change this settings as per your requirement. This is the first alert which called “ Low battery Level”.Critical battery level: Now come with the second low battery level alert that is called critical battery level. This critical battery level is the second and last alert, so one of the following actions will be applied forcefully when the laptop battery drained to the critical battery level (for an example 10%). You have that option to change this critical battery level percentage as well. Alert: “Your battery is very low.
Plug in your PC now”As you can see, you have no option to set it to “Do nothing”. Most of the users set it to “hibernate” this is the default setting as well. You may change this settings as per your requirement. Sleep.
Hibernate. ShutdownFor both levels, there is a turn ON and OFF option which is called. If you turn on this option, you’ll start getting the low battery level alert. If you turn off this, then you won’t get the warnings. How to change low battery level, warning, actions.Now come to the main point and get you step by step guide how to change the low battery level, critical battery level, warning, and its action. This type of settings are easy to access in Windows 7 but in Windows 10, it went to hidden in power settings. The regular users don’t get this settings because the settings are really very deep in power settings. is an independent website. Any brand name, trademark, image used on this website are for reference only. We disclaim any ownership, right of such third party products or copyrighted material unless otherwise specified. However we are affiliated not all but with some software companies and some posts may contain affiliate links.We are not responsible for any data loss / business loss, device corruption or any other type of loss due to the use of any software or command mentioned in our posts.
Windows 10 Battery Low Warning Disable
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